Capturing Wildlife, Landscape and Nature

Welcome to the photography prints website. My name is Justin Kercher and I am a coastal, landscape, wildlife and nature photographer based in The New Forest, Hampshire, UK.

I've been an avid nature photographer since I picked up the photography bug and buying my first DSLR, a Nikon D50, back in 2006. Since then I've strived to be as versatile with nature photography and capture as much of the natural world, 'on film', as possible.

Frequently found out and about at the crack of dawn looking for the opportunist coastal or landscape sunrise shot, or out scouting for wildlife and birds - when I'm with my camera I'm never happy unless I've made full use of my time out in the field.

Being resident in the New Forest, my main photography haunts are around the Hampshire and Dorset areas of the United Kingdom. However I love to travel to other parts of the UK and scout new places as much as possible in search of the perfect scene or subjects.

Nature photography is such a wide ranging subject and is commonly associated with pictures of wildlife, natural landscapes and coastal areas so the old scouts motto of 'be prepared' couldn't be more accurate. As you may have guessed,  this website contains my online nature photography prints portfolio where you can browse my photographic work by categories and galleries.

I hope you enjoy my works and please feel free to follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Flickr to stay updated with my latest news and information. Don't forget to share my works with your friends and help spread the word!

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Wild Short Eared Owls

I've spent the morning with a pair of visiting Short Eared Owls!

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