Storm Over Bratley View
The New Forest Landscape Photography

Date TakenDate Taken: 07/11/2014
Camera ModelCamera Model: NIKON D810
Focal LengthFocal Length: 22mm
Shutter SpeedShutter Speed: 1.3s
Aperture valueCamera Aperture: f/11
Storm Over Bratley View


Stormy Evening Over Bratley View - A bit of a different shot taken from Bratley View in The New Forest. Usually its obligatory to shoot the Isolated Scots pine tree located at the car park but I wanted somthing different. A heavy rain cloud was rolling in from the west at sunset, and this was the only shot I managed to get before the heavens opened and I had to fight to get my kit packed away before my camera bag became filled with rain! The composition was tough going here as I was surrounded by dead bracken. I decided that instead of shooting using the rule of thirds, I'd try using the sun, the tree in the distance and the points of the dead bush to form a 'triangle'. I quite liked how it came out.